Who's leaving the company?
Casey Neistat is a hypernormie
Practical Doomsday (notes)
Exercise routines
Self-esteem or skill issue?
Political ideology from the bottom up, part 1
Having a kid is one of the best things that have happened to me
People respect power
I signed up for cryonics
Using AI is disrespectful
On taste
Some Thoughts in Traffic
Self-hate is okay sometimes
Being good at the basics
Technological solutions to the climate crisis
Real life maximalist manifesto
Publicly funded higher education
Weight loss
The world doesn't need another app
Not wanting to give advice
Fact post: project-based learning
Wielding civilization
Book review: Industrial society and its future
Managers, email and productivity
Life is hard
Predictions for 2050
A counterargument that isn't
Book review: Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking
What I learned after a year of being a cybersecurity techwriter
My list of questions
Master list of reasons why reading fiction is good
Taking a simplified model
Why I am no longer driven
My social engineering adventure